The Trust Formula: Why Confidence in Leadership Matters and How to Strengthen It

The people science experts at Energage uncovered a shocking discovery: while 90% of senior managers have confidence in their company’s leadership team, only 77% of team members agree. This stark disconnect raises important questions about the perception and effectiveness of leadership within organizations. Kinsey Smith, Senior People Scientist at Energage, reveals new data about leadership confidence and effectiveness here.

The Importance of Employee Well-Being: More Than Just a Trend

In today’s competitive job market, employee well-being is no longer a “nice-to-have”; it’s a crucial factor in attracting and retaining top talent. Here, the Energage People Science Team explains why companies that prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional health see happier employees and tangible benefits such as reduced sick days and increased productivity. Get all the information and insights from Kinsey Smith, Senior People Scientist, here.